
48. |
Elyaman W., Stern L., Jiang N., et al., “Exploring the Role of T Cells in Alzheimer's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases: Therapeutic Insights from the T Cells in the Brain Symposium”, Alzheimers Dement., accepted.
47. |
Chen H., Xu X., Hu W., Wu S., Xiao J., Wu P., Wang X., Han X., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Jiang N., Liu W. , Lou C., Chen W., Xu C., and Lou J., “Self-programmed dynamics of T cell receptor condensation”, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2023 Jul 11;120(28):e2217301120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2217301120. PMID: 37399423, PMCID: PMC10334747
46. |
Jiang N., Malone M, Chizari S., “Antigen Specific and Cross-Reactive T Cells in Protection and Disease”, Immunological Reviews, Immunol Rev. 2023 May 20, doi: 10.1111/imr.13217.
45. |
Zhao P., Mondal S., Martin C., DuPlissis A., Chizari S., Ma K.Y, Zemelman B.V., Messing R.O., Jiang N., Ben-Yakar A., “Femtosecond laser microdissection for isolation of regenerating C. elegans neurons for single-cell RNA sequencing”, Nature Method, 2023 Apr;20(4):590-599. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01804-3
44. |
Campisi L., Chizari S., Gromova A., Arnold F., Mosca L., Mei X., Fstkchyan Y., Beharry, C., Ho J. S. Y., Korobeynikov V., Prazich J., Bennet C., Ostrow L. W., Lunetta C., Shneider N. A., Jiang N., La Spada A., Marazzi I., “Clonally expanded CD8 T cells characterize Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 4”, Nature, 2022 Jun;606(7916):945-952. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04844-5 PMID: 35732742
43. |
He C*., Malone, M.J.*, Wendel B.S., Ma K.Y., Del Alcazar D., Weiner D.B., De Jager, P.L., Del Rio-Estrada P.M., Ablando-Terrazas Y., Reyes-Teran G., Su L.F., Jiang N., “Transcriptome and TCR Repertoire Measurements of CXCR3+ T Follicular Helper Cells Within HIV-Infected Human Lymph Nodes”, Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, May 06, Sec. Systems Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.859070 *These authors contributed equally. PMID: 35619703, PMCID: PMC9128546
42. |
Bhusal P., Alam M., Chen K, Jiang N. and Xiao J., “Scalable Sequence Clustering for Large-Scale Immune Repertoire Analysis”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2021, pp. 1349-1358, doi: 10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671320
41. |
Ma K.Y., Schonnesen A.A., He C., Xia A.Y., Sun E., Chen E., Sebastian K.R., Guo Y.W., Balderas R., Kulkarni-Date M., Jiang N., “High-Throughput and High-Dimensional Single Cell Analysis of Antigen-Specific CD8+ T cells”, Nature Immunology, 2021 Dec;22(12):1590-1598. doi: 10.1038/s41590-021-01073-2 PMID: 34811538, PMCID: PMC9184244
40. |
Song Q, Ando, A, Jiang N., Ikeda Y., Chen J.Z., “Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals ploidy-dependent and cell-specific transcriptome changes in Arabidopsis female gametophytes”, Genome Biol., 22020 Jul 22;21(1):178.
39. |
Wendel B.S., Fu Y., He C., Hernandez S.M., Qu M., Zhang Z., Jiang Y., Han X., Xu J., Ding H., Fu S., Jiang N.*, Shang H.*, “Rapid HIV progression is associated with extensive ongoing somatic hypermutation”, J. Immunol., 2020 Aug 1; 205(3): 587–594. *co-correspondence.
38. |
Zhu K, He C., Liu S.-Q., Qu M., Yang X., Lei L., Zhou X., Shi L., Zhang D., Cheng Y., Sun Y., Zheng H., Shen X., Li Q.-J., Jiang N., Zhang B., “Lineage tracking the generation of T regulatory cells from microbial activated T effector cells in naïve mice”, Frontiers in Immunology, 2019; 10: 3109.
37. |
Zheng M., Zhang X., Zhou Y., Tang J., Han Q., Zhang Y., Ni Q., Chen G., Jia Q., Yu H., Liu S., Robins E., Jiang N., Wan Y., Li Q.J., Chen Z.N., Zhu P., "TCR repertoire and CDR3 motif analyses depict the role of αβ T cells in Ankylosing spondylitis", EBioMedicine, 2019 Sep;47:414-426
36. |
Del Alcazar D., Wang Y., He C., Wendel B.S., Del Rio-Estrada P.M., Lin J., Ablanedo-Terrazas Y., Malone M.J., Hernandez S.M., Frank I., Naji A., Reyes-Teran G., Jiang N., Su L.F.,
"Mapping the Lineage Relationship between CXCR5+ and CXCR5− CD4+ T Cells in HIV-Infected Human Lymph Nodes", Cell Rep., 2019 Sep 17;28(12):3047-3060.e7.
35. |
Moreno A.M., Palmer N., Aleman F., Chen G., Pla A., Jiang N., Chew W.L., Law M., Mali P.,
"Immune-orthogonal orthologues of AAV capsids and of Cas9 circumvent the immune response to the administration of gene therapy",
Nat. Biomed. Eng.,2019, Oct;3(10):806-816
34. |
Ma K.Y., Schonnesen A.A., Brock A., Van Den Berg C., Eckhardt S.G., Liu Z., Jiang N., "Single Cell RNA Sequencing of Lung
Adenocarcinoma Reveals Heterogeneity of Immune Response-related Genes",
JCI Insight,2019;4(4):e121387.
33. |
Jiang N., Schonnesen A., Ma K.Y., "Ushering in Integrated T Cell Repertoire Profiling in Cancer",
Trends in Cancer,Feb;5(2):85-94.
32. |
Singarapu N., Ma K.Y., Reeh K., Shen J., Lancaster J., Yi S., Xie H., Orkin S., Manley N., Ehrlich L., Jiang N., Richie E.,
"Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 is essential for development and maintenance of a functional TEC compartment",
Scientific Report,2018 Sep 25;8(1):14335.
31. |
Zhang S.Q., Ma K.Y., Schonnesen A., Zhang M., He C., Sun E.,
Williams C., Jia W.*, Jiang N.*, "High-throughput
determination of the antigen specificities of T cell receptors in single cells",
Nature Biotechnology,2018 Nov 12.
30. |
Ben S. Wendel, Daniel Del Alcazar, Chenfeng He, Perla M. Del Rio-Estrada,
Benjamas Aiamkitsumrit, Yuria Ablanedo-Terrazas, Stefany M. Hernandez, Ke-Yue Ma,
Michael Betts, Laura Pulido, Jun Huang, Phyllis A. Gimotty, Gustavo Reyes-Teran,
Jiang N.*, Laura F. Su*, "The receptor repertoire and functional
profile of follicular T cells in HIV-infected lymph nodes."
Science Immunology,
06 Apr 2018, Vol. 3, Issue 22, eaan8884,* co-correspondence

29. |
Ma K.Y., He C., Wendel B.S., Williams C.M., Xiao J., Yang H.,
Jiang N., "Immune Repertoire Sequencing using Molecular
Identifiers Enables Accurate Clonality Discovery
and Clone Size Quantification." Frontiers in Immunology,
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00033

28. |
Rubelt F., Busse C.E., Bukhari S.A.C., Burckert J.P., Mariotti-Ferrandiz E.,
Cowell L.G., Watson C.T., Marthandan N., Faison W.J., Hershberg U.,
Laserson U., Corrie B.D., Davis M.M., Peters B., Lefranc M.P., Scott J.K.,
Breden F., The AIRR Community, Luning Prak E.T., Kleinstein, S.H.,
"Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Community recommendations for sharing
immune-repertoire sequencing data", Nature Immunology, 2017
27. |
He C., Wendel B.S., Xiao J., Chen K., Jiang N.,
"COLT-Viz: Interactive Visualization of Antibody Lineage Trees",
2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/219592
26. |
Wendel B.S., He C., Crompton P.D.,
Pierce S.K.,Jiang
N., "A streamlined approach to antibody novel
germline allele prediction and validation".
Frontiers in Immunology,
2017 Sep 04; Doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2017.01072. PMID: 28928742
PMCID: PMC5591497
25. |
Wendel B. S., He C., Qu M., Wu D.,
Hernandez S.M., Ma K.Y., Liu E., Xiao J.,
Crompton P.D., Pierce S.K., Ren P., Chen K.,Jiang
N., "Accurate Immune Repertoire
Sequencing Reveals Malaria Infection Driven
Antibody Lineage Diversification in Young
Children". Nat. Commun.,
2017 Sep 14;8(1):531. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00645-x.
PMID: 28912592
24. |
Williams C., Schonnesen A., Zhang S.Q., Ma
K.Y., He C., Yamamoto T., Eckhardt S.G.,
Klebanoff C.A.,Jiang N.,
"Normalized synergy predicts that CD8
co-receptor contribution to TCR and pMHC
binding decreases as TCR affinity increases
in human viral-specific T cells". Frontiers
in Immunology, 2017 Jul 28;8:894.
PMID: 28804489 PMCID: PMC5532383
23. |
Liu C., Obliosca J.M., Liu Y.- L., Chen
Y.- A.,Jiang N., Hsin-Chih Yeh, "3D
single-molecule tracking enables direct
hybridization kinetics measurement in
solution". Nanoscale, 2017,
9, 5664.
22. |
Jiang N., "Immune
engineering: from systems immunology to
engineering immunity". Proceedings
of Current Opinion in Biomedical
Engineeringe, 2017, 1, 54-62.
21. |
Jiang N., Chen W.,
Jothikumar P., Patel J.M., Shashidharamurthy
R., Selvaraj P., Zhu C., "Effects of anchor
structure and glycosylation of Fcγ receptor
III on ligand binding affinity". Proceedings
of Mol. Biol. Cell, 2016, Nov
7; 27(22); 3449-3458.
20. |
Chen K., Gogu V., Wu D., Jiang N.,
"COLT: Constrained Lineage Tree Generation
from Sequence Data". Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine,
19. |
Hart G.T., Akkaya M., Chida A.S., Wei C.,
Jenks S.A., Tipton C., He C., Wendel B.S.,
Skinner J., Keyentao K., Ongoiba A., Doumbo
O., Traore B., Narum D.L., Jiang N.,
Crompton P.D., Sanz I., Pierce S.K., "The
regulation of inherently autoreactive
VH4-34-expressing B cells in individuals
living in a malaria endemic area of West
Africa", J. Immunol., 2016
Nov 15;197(10):3841-3849. PMID: 27798155
PMCID: PMC5113821
18. |
Zhang S., Parker P., Ma K., He C., Shi Q.,
Cui Z., Williams C., Wendel B.S., Meriwether
A., Salazar M.A., Jiang N.,
"Direct measurement of T cell receptor
affinity and sequence from naive antiviral T
cells", Sci. Transl. Med.,
01 Jun 2016: Vol. 8, Issue 341, pp. 341ra77.
17. |
Liu C., Liu Y.-L., Perillo E. P., Jiang
N., Dunn A. K., Yeh H.-C.,
"Improving z-tracking accuracy in the
two-photon single-particle tracking
microscope", Appl. Phys. Lett,
107, 153701 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4932224
16. |
Jia Q., Zhou J., Chen G., Shi Y., Yu H.,
Guan P., Lin R., Jiang N.,
Yu P., Li Q.J., Wan Y., "Diversity Index of
Mucosal Resident T Lymphocyte Repertoire
Predicts Clinical Prognosis in Gastric
Cancer", OncoImmunology,
2015 Jan 22;4(4):e1001230. eCollection 2015.
PMID: 26137399 PMCID: PMC4485732
15. |
Wong Y., Jiang N., Ebert
P., Kidd B.A., Muller S., Lund P.J., Juang
J., Adachi K., Tse T., Birnbaum M.E., Newell
E.W., Wilson, D.M., Grotenbreg G.M.,
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"Clonal Deletion Prunes, but does not
Eliminate Self-Specific αβ CD8+ T
Lymphocytes". Immunity,
2015 May 19;42(5):929-941. PMID: 25992863
PMC: 4455602
14. |
Jiang N., Zhang S., Ma
K., "An ID Card for T cells". Nat
Biotechnol., 2014
Jul;32(7):639-40. PMID: 25004230
13. |
Li J., Wu D., Jiang N.,
Zhuang Y., "Combined deletion of Id2 and Id3
genes reveals multiple roles for E proteins
in invariant NKT cell development and
expansion". J. Immunol.,
2013 Nov 15;191(10):5052-64. PMID: 24123680
12. |
Zhang Y., Jiang N.,
Klopocki A.G., McEver R.P., Zhu C.,
"P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 forms
dimeric interactions with E-selectin but
monomeric interactions with L-selectin on
cell surfaces". PLOS ONE,
2013;8(2):e57202. Epub 2013 Feb 25.
PMID: 23451187 PMCID:
PMC3581448. |
11. |
Jiang N., He J.,
Weinstein J.A., Penland L., Sasaki S., He
X.S., Dekker C.L., Zheng N.Y., Huang M.,
Sullivan M., Wilson P.C., Greenberg H.B.,
Davis M.M., Fisher D.S., Quake S.R.,
"Lineage Structure of the Human Antibody
Repertoire in Response to Influenza
Vaccination". Science
Translational Medicine, 2013,
5, 171ra19.
Discussed by Dr. Francis Collins in his
NIH Director's blog, http://directorsblog.nih.gov/taking-a-snapshot-of-the-human-immune-system/#more-538
Reported by a Brazilian newspaper -
Correio Braziliense
News report by The Doctor Will See You

10. |
Zhu C., Jiang N., Huang
J., Zarnitsyna V.I., Evavold B.D., "Insights
from in situ analysis of TCR-pMHC
recognition: Response of an interaction
network". Immunological Review,
2013 Jan;251(1):49-64.
9. |
Jiang N., Weinstein
J.A., Penland L., White R.A. III, Fisher
D.S., Quake S.R., "Determinism and
stochasticity during maturation of the
zebrafish antibody repertoire". Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2011 Mar
8. |
Jiang N., Huang J.,
Edwards L.J., Zhang Y., Liu B., Beal C.D.,
Evavold B.D., Zhu C., "Two-stage cooperative
T cell receptor-peptide major
histocompatibility complex-CD8 trimolecular
interactions amplify antigen
discrimination". Immunity,
2011 Jan 28;34(1):13-23.

Faculty of 1000, scored 10 "Exceptional", http://f1000.com/8208956
See Preview by P. Anton van der Merwe1 and
Shaun-Paul Cordoba, "Late Arrival:
Recruiting Coreceptors to the T Cell
Receptor Complex", Immunity,
2011 Jan 28:34(1):1-3
7. |
Huang J., Zarnitsyna V.I., Liu B., Edwards
L.J., Jiang N., Evavold
BD, Zhu C., "The kinetics of two-dimensional
TCR and pMHC interactions determine T-cell
responsiveness", Nature,
2010; 464(7290):932-6. |
6. |
Kim J.V., Jiang N.,
Tadokoro C.E., Liu L., Ransohoff R.M.,
Lafaille J.J., Dustin M.L., "Two-photon
laser scanning microscopy imaging of intact
spinal cord and cerebral cortex reveals
requirement for CXCR6 and neuroinflammation
in immune cell infiltration of cortical
injury sites", J. Immunol. Methods
2010; 352(1-2):89-100. |
5. |
Weinstein J.A. *, Jiang N.
*, White R.A. III, Fisher D.S., Quake S.R.,
"High-throughput Sequencing of the Zebrafish
Antibody Repertoire", Science,
2009; 324(5928):807-10.
* These authors contributed equally.
4. |
Wasserman, H.A., Beal C.D., Zhang, Y., Jiang,
N., Zhu, C., Evavold, B.D. "MHC
variant peptide-mediated anergy of
encephalitogenic T cells requires SHP-1", J.
2008;181(10):6843-6849. |
3. |
Chien, Y., Jiang, N.,
Li, F., Zhang, F., Zhu, C., Leckband, D.
"Two Stage Cadherin Kinetics Require
Multiple Extracellular Domains but Not the
Cytoplasmic Region", J. Biol. Chem.,
2008; 283: 1848-1856. |
2. |
Li, P.*, Jiang, N.*,
Nagarajan, S., Wohlhueter, R., Selvaraj, P.,
Zhu, C. "Affinity and Kinetic Analysis of
Fc? Receptor IIIa (CD16a) Binding to IgG
Ligands", J. Biol. Chem.,
2007; 282: 6210-6221.
* These authors contributed equally. |
1. |
Long, M., Chen, J., Jiang, N.,
Selvaraj, P., McEver, R.P., Zhu, C.
"Probabilistic Modeling of Rosette
Formation", Biophys. J.,
2006; 91: 352-363. |